adding links to the app — Home

Adding Links to the App

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At this stage my app contains a few sections and either an empty skeleton or just notes on what I want to build. To start adding some functionality, my first step would be putting in buttons which link the super app to other apps or contain links to google sheets etc.

Creating Links

I will attempt to complete the following types of links to make my super app a useful landing point on my phone.

Linking the Notes Section to Google Keep

1. Create Navigation Drawer Project.
  1. Click on "New Project".
  2. Under "Phone and Tablet" select "Navigation Drawer Activity".
  3. Name the app as you choose. The package name should automatically change in accordance.
  4. Select a location of your choice, or leave the default.
  5. Select "Kotlin" as the language.
  6. Under minimum SDK select an android version which is old enough to cover a large number of devices.
  7. Click "Finish".
2. Edit section structure.
  1. To edit the name of a section in the menu edit the strings in "app->src->main->res->values->strings.xml".
  2. The andoid:id in "app->src->main->res->menu->activity_main_drawer.xml" for each item can be changed along with the corresponding android:ids in the fragments in "app->src->main->res->navigation->mobile_navigation.xml".
  3. Rename the files "app->src->main->res->layout->fragment_<section>.xml" to the appropriate section name, along with all usages of the file name. The android:id in the file can also be changed at this time.
  4. In the file "app->src->main->java->com->example-><app name>->ui-><old section name>-><old section name>Fragment.kt", change all of the references to "Fragment<old section name>Binding" to "Fragment<new section name>Binding". Any other occurences of the old section name can also be changed to the new section name
  5. Across the folder "app->src->main->java->com->example-><app name>->ui-><old section name>" rename all occurences of the old section name to the new section name. This should also be done in "mobile_navigation.xml".
3. Step 2 can now be repeated, and all of the edited files can be copied and changed to create new sections as well. Once this has been done, add each sections id from

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